
十大网络彩票平台大全 encourages all members of the community to report any incident that violates 大学’s 第九条 政策. All reports of sexual 骚扰 will be addressed as promptly as possible so that 大学 can respond effectively. 大学认可, 然而, 并不是每个人都会选择向大学提交正式报告. 咨询校园资源, community members should be aware of confidentiality and mandatory reporting in order to make informed choices.

在校园, 有些资源可以提供保密性, sharing options and advice without any obligation to tell anyone unless the Complainant wants them to do so. Other resources are expressly required to report incidents of sexual 骚扰, 性侵犯, 跟踪, 约会暴力, 或家庭暴力向第九条协调员举报.


歧视通知或投诉, 骚扰, 和/或报复可以使用以下任何一种选择:

  1. 向, 或给予口头通知, 第九条协调员, 第九条副协调员, 或有权的官员. Such a report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by using the telephone number or email address, 或者邮寄到办公室地址, 为第九条协调员或任何其他官方列出的.
  2. 在线报告,使用发布在网上的报告表格 圣家在线事件报告 & 跟踪网站

匿名举报是可以接受的,但可能会引起调查. 大学尽量为所有投诉人提供支援措施, 匿名举报是不可能的. 因为报告没有义务发起正式的回应, and as 大学 respects Complainant requests to dismiss complaints unless there is a compelling threat to health and/or safety, the Complainant is largely in control and should not fear a loss of privacy by making a report that allows 大学 to discuss and/or provide supportive measures.


A 正式投诉 means a document submitted or signed by the Complainant or signed by 第九条协调员 alleging a policy violation by a Respondent and requesting that 大学 investigate the allegation(s). 投诉可以亲自向第九条协调员提出, 通过邮件, 或通过电子邮件, 使用“联系信息”一节中的联系信息, 或者如本节所述. 如本段所用, the phrase “document filed by a Complainant” means a document or electronic submission (such as by electronic mail or online at 圣家在线事件报告 & 跟踪网站),其中包含投诉人的实体或数字签名, or otherwise indicates that the Complainant is the person filing the complaint, 并要求该大学调查这些指控.

如果以不符合此标准的形式提交通知, 第九条协调员 will contact the Complainant to ensure that it is filed correctly.


For those 18 or older who are not yet prepared to make a report or pursue a complaint under this 政策, 大学提供保密的专业和教牧辅导. Complainants may use these resources to talk to someone about an incident of sexual misconduct in a confidential manner whether or not they decide to make an official report, 或参与大学的投诉解决程序. Conferring with these resources will not trigger an investigation by 大学 or law enforcement.


  • 解释报告和解决过程.
  • Provide support while 大学 or criminal processes are ongoing and/or pending.
  • Explain options for obtaining additional support from 大学 and off-campus resources.
  • 安排医疗护理并陪同申诉人, 或安排专人陪同投诉人, 寻求这样的关怀.

Professional counselors who provide mental-health counseling to members of the school community (and including those who act in that role under the supervision of a licensed counselor) are not required to report any information about an incident to 第九条协调员 without a complainant's permission.


校园中心202室,203室 & 204

教牧顾问是机构的雇员, 谁与宗教秩序或教派有关, recognized by that religious order or denomination as someone who provides confidential counseling, and who is functioning within the scope of that recognition as a pastoral counselor.



A Complainant can seek assistance and support from individuals who work or volunteer in the Campus 卫生服务. While these individuals must report that an incident occurred to 第九条协调员, they are not required to reveal any personally identifying information about an incident to 大学.

Following is contact information for these non-professional counselors and advocates:



大学定义负责任的员工包括主管, 官员, and employees with significant responsibility for student and campus activities including, 但不仅限于:学术领域, 学生住宿, 体育运动, 纪律, 校园生活, 校园安全.

When a Complainant tells a responsible employee about an incident of sexual violence, the Complainant has the right to expect 十大网络彩票平台大全 to take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate what happened and to resolve the matter promptly and equitably.

A responsible employee must report to 第九条协调员 all relevant details about the alleged sexual violence shared by the Complainant. 尽可能地, information reported to a responsible employee will be shared only with people responsible for handling 大学's response to the report.


The Complainant has the absolute right to decide whether an incident of sexual violence, 亲密伴侣暴力, 或跟踪被报告给执法部门. 如果投诉人决定将事件报告给执法部门, 大学, 通过公共安全, 是否承诺协助投诉人.


第九条 requires 十大网络彩票平台大全 to balance the needs of an individual who has reported an incident to a responsible employee that has requested confidentiality or that no action be taken with its obligation to end the 骚扰 and ensure the well-being of the community at large.

The University has designated 第九条协调员 to evaluate these requests.

在这种情况下, 第九条协调员 will weigh the request against 大学's obligation to provide a safe, 对所有学生一视同仁的环境, 包括投诉人.

The University handles complaints with due regard for the parties' concern for confidentiality. 然而, 如果事件对大学社区构成普遍威胁, 圣家将采取积极措施通知学生, 教师, 和工作人员的潜在危险.

如果你担心保密问题, 首先与学校的保密顾问讨论这个问题, 谁能解释你可能采取的各种选择, 以及每种选择的含义, 并引导你找到其他合适的校内或校外资源.