
Incentivizing Today’s Students to Educate the Next Generation



Following three school years impacted by COVID-19 mitigation measures, hitting K-12 schools in 极贫困的地区 在美国是最困难的, education experts are now assessing how the pandemic impacted—and continues to impact—the state of K-12 education nationwide. Though much attention has been paid to the “learning loss” of students as a result of remote education, less focus has been on how the pandemic impacted the number of educators in our schools. Earlier this year, the National Center for Education Statistics within the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences determined that 44%的公立学校 reported having full- or part-time teacher vacancies.


Closer to home, the 费城 region is facing a 惊人的师资短缺. The Pennsylvania Department of Education determined that 费城 will need 到2025年将有数千名新教师. 根据 费城调查报, 托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生高中, 全市第四大高中, had so many classrooms without teachers during Fall 2021 that “hundreds of students freely walk in the hallways all day.” 

Dr. 老托尼·沃特灵顿., the new superintendent for the School District of 费城, has said that each morning he asks the question “How are the children?” Between the stresses of the pandemic and the severe decline in teachers, students are struggling. Addressing the crisis of available educators is a critical element in improving K-12 students’ well-being. 
School districts and the Pennsylvania Department of Education are exploring innovative solutions to address the problem in the short term, but we must look to the future to expand the pipeline of educators, 特别是对K-12学生, to meet the demands of the next decade and beyond.

在今年夏天的新闻发布会上, Pennsylvania’s Acting Secretary of Education Eric Hagarty noted that teacher availability is “one of the most pressing challenges our schools are facing. Teaching is the profession that unlocks the workforce for all other professions, so we must find ways to encourage more individuals to answer the call and enter the classroom.”
代理国务卿哈格蒂说得很好. Teachers are the key to all development and growth – both personal and professional. Everyone has a story about a teacher who had a lasting impact on their life. 


十大网络彩票平台大全教育学院, our faculty dedicate their careers to ensuring our programs are accessible to all students who have a desire to become one of those impactful educators. Holy Family has been a longtime producer of educators in 费城 and the surrounding region, 我们将继续发起一些倡议,比如我们的 Early Childhood Education Pathway Program Pre K-4 Bachelor of Science concentration to help create certified educators with year-round classes in the evenings, 无论是面对面还是在线. We have developed partnerships with local community colleges to provide students with flexible options that meet them where they are in their journeys toward the classroom and toward helping to solve the City’s critical teacher shortage. 

The University has also expanded certification and graduate programs to help educators at all levels continue to advance their skills for lifetime learning. We are proud of the variety of programs offered by the School of Education—but we recognize that more needs to be done.

Our strong connections to Northeast 费城 and 新城 mean that Holy Family educators often will be returning to their home communities where they are needed most, 启发和激励下一代. 


Holy Family alumni are on the front lines of leadership in education in 费城 – from leaders like Dr. Lisette Agoston Cintron M ' 02 D'20, a principal in the School District of 费城, who was recently honored as one of Al Dia’s 2022 Women of Merit for her leadership, to Jayda Pugliese ' 09和' 14他是圣. 玛丽教会学校, who was one of only 11 educators from the United States and the Netherlands to be named a 2022 Lowell Milken Center Fellow. Jayda herself is living proof of how education can change lives – she is the first person in her family to graduate from high school and is currently pursuing her doctoral degree at 十大网络彩票平台大全.

Holy Family alumni have been recognized as leaders inside the classroom as well. 我们的七位校友获得了荣誉 with the School District of 费城’s Lindback Award for Distinguished Teachers (玛丽·艾姆斯92年弗朗西斯·E. 威拉德学校; 洛里·哈金斯M ' 05——亨利·A. 布朗学校; 劳伦·麦克唐纳,14岁亨利·H. 休斯顿学校; 杰奎琳·门格尔,10岁——乔治·W. Nebinger学校; Christopher Nevrincean ' 14, M ' 19Watson Comly小学; 布莱恩·罗斯特,19岁费城少年司法中心; 蒂莫西·特雷西M ' 10(费城女子高中). 

尽管有一批令人印象深刻的教育家, the educator workforce requires a next big wave of knowledgeable experts who are dedicated to bettering the lives of our children.

为此目的, we will continue to seek entrepreneurial ways to work with partners throughout the 费城 region as we strive to educate college students to become purposeful professionals to help stem the educator crisis.